WooCommerce Support for WordPress

The support you need to keep your WooCommerce store running smoothly for your customers.

WooCommerce taken care of = Happy customers.

WooCommerce help and support on demand for any kind of store, so you can focus on keeping your customers happy.

Running an online store can be a challenging task, especially if you lack the technical expertise required to manage the website effectively. We help businesses tackle any technical issues that arise and ensure your store is running smoothly. With expert help from our team of rockstars, you can focus on the day to day running of your business, and keeping your customers happy.

Plans starting from

Billed Monthly/Yearly

Common WordPress Support Requests (that we help with)

WordPress Install & Setup

Install a fresh copy of WordPress (alongside any plugins and themes) to your web hosting environment.

Plugin Install & Setup

Install a plugin to your WordPress website, and have it configured based on your requirements.

Theme Install & Setup

Install a theme to your WordPress website, and have it configured based on your requirements.

Web Hosting Configuration

Make changes to your web hosting configuration, including PHP settings, domain settings and more.

SSL Certificate

Configure an SSL certificate for your WordPress website to ensure connections are secure.

Import/Export Content

Import or export content within WordPress, such as posts, pages, images, plugin settings and more.

Configure Backups

Configure a backup system that will automatically backup your WordPress website at regular intervals.

Setup Contact Form

Create and configure a contact form that delivers notifications based on your requirements.,

Setup Email Address

Create and configure an email inbox based on your company branding, and configure WordPress email sending.

Update WordPress Domain

Update the domain name that is used for your WordPress installation, and ensure all content shows correctly.

WordPress Security

Review WordPress security and implement changes to secure and harden your WordPress website from attacks.

Configure Redirects

Setup custom redirection rules that will redirect specific URL’s from one location to another.

This is just a small example of what we can help with!

Let us know how we can help